Friday 5 May 2017

A Great Start

The term has started on a very exciting note.  Rm.11 is piloting the Table to Garden programme.  This will mean we are working in the gardens, learning about composting, caring for the soil, propagating plants from seeds, and maintaining the gardens to grow vegetables.  Once the vegetables have been harvested the kids will then head to the kitchen in groups to learn some skills preparing and cooking the food. This will also include using the tools in the kitchen.  

We have completed a little activity, writing about a moment in time, during the school holidays. A recount.  We focused on the specific language that helps organise the events in the correct order.  We are using a modelling book in the classroom, so students have access to a reference when they want after a specific lesson.  In this book,  which sits on the teaching station, is the focus for our writing, and details like a criteria so the kids can assess themselves and their peers.

During this term, we are focusing on addition and subtraction.  To start each week on Monday, we take all the kids over to the hall for maths. The kids are split into groups of approximately 3, and they are challenged with solving a rich maths task.  We held the first one on Monday and it was really great to see how engaged the kids were.  

Kowhaiwhai patterns:
The kids have taken on the challenge of kowhaiwhai patterns.  They are a design using red, black and white space. There is a lot of geometrical design, and for a first effort, we have discovered there is a lot to consider. 

Cross-country has hit the roads:
Cross country trainings will happen on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.  We will take the classroom roll, head out to the start, on the school sports field, ready to begin at 9:00am.  

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